Sunday 12 December 2010

960 Grid

Name: Johannes Tiberg
Age: 19
Birthday: February 11
City: Copenhagen
Hoboes: Bodybuilping,Litterature
Work: Soldier (Artillery )
Education: Student from virum gymnasium
Future Ambitions:Go to university to study languages
Income: 7.326,40
Favorite Beveraues: Beer, Milk, Water, Fruit drinks, protein drinks
Favorite Travel: City vacations like berlin, london and paris
Use of Internet: Facebook, Debate forums, news, IMDB(movies)
Goal: To be all he can be

Research for our target group

When we finished our persona and then we are going to research in our product with our target group and today we did.This is our weekend worked.

Name: Halgard Pedersen
Age: 16
Birthday: October 19
City Bagsværd
Hoboes: JU-JUTSU, Astronomy, Girls, Party, Music, Movies, yoga
Work: Cleaning
Education: 1st year at Bagsværd kostskole gymnasium
Future Ambitions:To study sociology or Phsycology
Income: 9000
Favorite Beveraues: Beer, Wine, Milk, Water, Juice, Coffee
Favorite Travel: Egypt or Thailand for scooba diving
Use of Internet: Facebook, G-mail, twitter, Kazaa(Music), TV
Goal: Balance between body and mind

Final Mood Board

This is our final Mood board.It looks like a very cool.
The Green, yellow, dark and light blue colors,water color, Ice cubes and water bubbles it all are look very cool and feels like stay cool.

And our "message is Drink water stay cool"

Finally our mood board is worked.

Mood Board

We try to change the background color because we want to try which one will be good.

Mood Board

We made mood board and we are only focus on our target group but when we showed with
Thomas our mood board is completly wrong And then we have to focus in our message and we should make the mood board then it comes.

Final Message

Then after talked with teacher. We find out our finally message
" Drink water stay cool"


We have to find our Message for the target group.But our target group are teenagers so we have to find some very intersting.After discussion with group and teacher.we are find some message.
  1. Healthy water for teen agers.
  2. Drink water today for tommorow.
  3. A new life everyday.
  4. Fresh water fresh life.
  5. Drink water stay cool.
  6. Purely for choice.

Target Group(Persona)

Our target group are teenagers and we make two people's persona.

The Three Ring Theme

After Mindmapping we find out these words and we play cross words because we are finding good Idea and then we have choose three ring theme.







Monday 6 December 2010

Final logo

Processing logo

About our Water Brand Name
After a long discussion we come to finalise our Product name Before we Put our Product Name "Himalaya "

Later focusing our target group we change our Brand name to "Power Plus" which we think that our target group will be attracted towards our product.

Problem Fomulation

How can we attract our target group towards our new water brand in this competitive market through visual identification?

Target Group

After Supervision Panel

Our Target Group are Teenager (Age group 13-19) .

We research and find about the target group .Generally our target group are danish , Live with parents, go to school, part time work, goes to movies, sports/out door fashion, Identity through hobbies/ free time activities, Sub-urban, involve in sports, travel fun, action, youthful humor , en joyful, coolness.